About Me

I live in beautiful Tallahassee Florida with my wife, Patti, and daughter. I have worked in technology for over 18 years and currently work as VP of Product at Greater Sum Ventures (a firm that partners with companies to help accelerate their growth).

I’ve been a Christian since I was 7, when I believed in Christ on Mother’s Day. However, over the course of my life, I amassed more questions than I ever thought could have answers. By the time I was 20, I was effectively dead in the water, spiritually speaking. Though I led a small group bible study and played in the band at church, I doubted that God existed, and if he did exist, I wondered how he could possibly be good.

I finally decided that I couldn’t live in the tension; I had to make up my mind. So, I read book after book and listened to points from the Christian side and non-christian side. Ultimately, I came to see that Christianity is the best explanation for reality, and Jesus was who he claimed to be.. Ever since, I have been passionate about Apologetics and have devoted much of my time to its study and teaching. As one who has been so richly blessed, I desire to give back to others.

“Always be prepared to give an answer for the hope you possess.”


I am available to speak on Apologetics, theology, and related topics at your service, event, or retreat. I have over 45 prepared talks, but I can tailor a message to your specific needs and event. Please contact me if you’re interested.