Learn These 2 Tips To Get Better At Discriminating
Discrimination isn’t wrong, and we can’t live life without discriminating. Learn 2 tips to discriminate better.

Sermon: Biblical Love and Wedding Cakes
How love is best understood? Through the cross. How is love best expressed? Through the church. We also consider where biblical love fits in a society that wants us to celebrate same-sex relationships.

Learn One Simple Thing That Makes Sharing Your Faith Easier!
You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to enter into conversations, when you know how to use questions to your advantage.

3 Reasons Christianity Makes More Sense Than Atheism
Our existence, free-will decision make abilities, and knowledge of morality make more sense of reality than atheism.

Act Now To Help Save A Life!
Children are being killed in our city! Do something to stop it!

The Minimum Viable Christian — What We Can Learn From The Coptic Christians
What did the Coptic Christians — slaughtered by ISIS — believe, and why does it matter? How should we think about what it means to be a Christian?