In order to better understand Rosa Parks, I first need to tell you about Emmett Till, a 14 year-old black boy who was visiting family in Money, a small town in Mississippi. The year was 1955.

One day, while in town, Emmett spoke to the 21 year-old, white, married proprietor of a small grocery store in Money. We’re not sure, but he may have whistled at her.

Several days later, a group of white men, led by the husband of the woman Emmett had talked to, went to the house where he was staying and kidnapped him at gun point. They then took him to another location and violently beat him. Ultimately, they shot him in the head and sank his body in the river, using a fan to weigh him down.

After his body was found and identified, it was time for a funeral. His mother, Mamie, insisted on an open-casket service, stating that she wanted the whole world to see what had been done to her son. And so it did.

Emmett’s beaten and disfigured body was photographed and included in newspapers across several states.

Enter Rosa Parks…

Less than 100 days after Emmett’s death, Rosa parks was riding the bus in Montgomery Alabama, when the bus driver ordered her to give up her seat to a white man. She refused. The police then arrested her for breaking the law, which at the time required blacks to move to the “colored section” of the bus when white people needed seats.

While not the only reason, when Rosa was asked why she didn’t move to the rear of the bus she said:

“I thought of Emmett Till and I just couldn’t go back.”

While she lived in a different state than Emmett was killed in, she learned of Emmett’s brutal murder and was driven to action because of the publication his death through the graphic pictures his mother insisted on having taken.

Never underestimate the wide-ranging effects the truth can have, especially when presented compellingly.

What about now?

Over the last year, the Center for Medial Progress has released undercover video footage of Planned Parenthood executives and doctors discussing the illegal harvesting and sale of fetal organs. The videos provide compelling and graphic evidence of the horrors of abortion, in addition to the federal crime that is being and has been committed.

You need to watch these videos. If you’re “pro-life” you need to watch them. If you’re not, you still need to watch them. Yes, they are graphic at times, but the most graphic things depicted are not the images of post-aborted babies.

What is most disturbing is the cold, detached, calculated way in which human beings can cavalierly discuss the planning and execution of murder.

So, please watch at least one of these videos. They may make you queasy, but they will likely drive you to greater conviction and action. Share them on Facebook; others need to see them too.

Who knows, maybe the next Rosa Parks will see them because of you and so start the chain of dominos falling to ultimately end the holocaust of abortion.

Maybe you’re the next Rosa Parks.

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