The Podcast
Unapologetic is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian Seagraves that addresses popular questions about Christianity, equipping you with reasons for the Christian worldview. If you would like me to cover a question, just shoot me a message.

Episode 24 – Is ISIS an Example of Muslim Extremism?
Is ISIS a corruption of Islam, or are other Muslims inconsistent?

Episode 23 – Can Science Tell Us When Abortion Is Okay?
How should Christians view the role of science with regards to abortion?

Episode 22 – Put that Back! That Piece Doesn’t Fit in Your Puzzle
Worldviews are like puzzles, but many people are trying to build their puzzle’s with pieces that don’t fit! Find out how to identity and use this fact.

Episode 21 – Does the “Woman Caught in Adultery” Passage Mean that not Even Jesus Condemns Sin?
Learn how to understand John 8 – The Woman Caught in Adultery passage – in a biblically consistent way.

Episode 20 – What Does it Mean to Defend and Not Apologize for Your Christian Convictions?
What are “Christian convictions”? Why should we defend them? And what does it cost us if we don’t?

Episode 19 – Did Jesus Ever Claim To Be God?
Learn how to address the claim that “Jesus never claimed to be God.”

Episode 18 – The Most Difficult Old Testament Issue
Learn how to address one of the most difficult biblical issues: The “genocide” of the Canaanites?

Episode 17 – “The Bible Makes The Victim Marry Her Rapist”
Find out what the Old Testament says about rape and rape victims having to marry their rapists.

Episode 16 – Does the Bible Condone Slavery?
Does the Bible condone, or even endorse slavery? Is everything the Bible describes also prescribed to have happened?

Episode 15 – Don’t Get Too Old, Your Doctor Might Kill You
In some parts of the world, doctors are killing thier patients. Without a Christian worldview, what’s to stop that from happening in the here?

Episode 14 – People Don’t Go To Hell Because They Don’t Believe In God
Why do people go to hell? Is it because they didn’t worship the Christian God, or is it something else?

Episode 13 – Can a Man Become a Woman?
How should Christians think about and approach Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner and transgender people?

Episode 12 – No One Is In Favor Of Marriage Equality
No one is in favor of marriage equality. Find out why!

Episode 11 – Nine Things Christian Students Should Be Thinking About As They Head Off To College
9 tips to help students be successful as a Christian in college.

Episode 10 – Is the Old Testament Law Binding on Christians Today?
Two of the main and clear biblical prohibitions of homosexuality occur in the Old Testament. But this raises the question, “Is the OT law binding on Christians today?”

Episode 9 – The Best Argument For God’s Existence
Could the universe have created itself or is a God necessary for that?

Episode 8 – Is the Unborn A Human That’s Alive?
Before we determine if we can kill something, we need to know what “it” is. Is the unborn alive? Is it human? And, is killing wrong?
Episode 7 – Embarrassing & Excruciating Evidence For The New Testament
The New Testament contains the markings of being authentic because it includes numerous details that reflect poorly on those who wrote it and on Jesus. Moreover, the writers were willing to die for their claims, and they were in a position to know if they were true or not.
Episode 6 – Early And Eyewitness Evidence For The New Testament
This week, we look stronger evidence for the Bible. The Bible was written using eyewitness testimony, and that testimony was recorded close to the events it describes.
Episode 5 – Weak Reasons for Trusting the Bible
Should we trust the Bible because it gives us a good feeling when we read it, or because it changes lives? How should we deal with the claim that we can’t trust the Bible because it’s only written by men?
Episode 4 – Is It Reasonable To Believe In The Resurrection of Jesus?
Is there credible evidence for the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth? What is the most reasonable conclusion to draw and how should we handle alternate theories?
Episode 3 – Do We Determine What’s True?
Is there truth in the world or only in us? Is science the only source of truth? What are the consequences of a view where individuals determine what’s true about murder, rape, and more?
Episode 2 – Is Biblical Faith Blind?
What is faith? Is it a way of knowing something? Is it what we do when we don’t know something? Is it a way of acting?
Episode 1 – The Bible, Just 2,000 Year-old Letters?
Is the Bible just 2,000 year-old letter? Should Christians stop using the Bible to avoid becoming irrelevant?