The Podcast
Unapologetic is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian Seagraves that addresses popular questions about Christianity, equipping you with reasons for the Christian worldview. If you would like me to cover a question, just shoot me a message.

Episode 174 – The Biggest Downside of the Modern Bible
Modern translations are excellent. But they have at least one downside we need to be aware of in order to get the most we can out of God’s word.

Episode 173 – “GENDER: A Conversation Guide For Parents and Pastors”
Every parent needs to be concerned about the affect transgenderism will likely have on their children. After showing why that is, we then quickly summarize the book “Gender: A Conversation Guide for Parents and Pastors”

Episode 172 – Does Paul Say that Something Can be Right for Your and Wrong for Me?
Paul seems to say that something can be right for one person and wrong for another. Is this true? And how does this apply to modern conversations around drinking and Christian liberty?

Episode 171 – The Double Edged Sword of Human Flourishing
We should care about everyone flourishing in the world, but we must be careful how we present this idea.

Episode 170 – Does Christianity Increase the LGBT Suicide Rate?
Does Christianity increase the LGBT suicide rate, and is it unloving to share the gospel with people who find it distressing?

Episode 169 – What Is Truth and How Does It Relate to Scripture?
Is religious truth a matter of opinion, and why does it matter if Scripture is true or not?

Episode 168 – A Common Parallel in How We Think About Transgenderism and the Gospel
When the mind and body don’t agree, which should we pick and why?

Episode 167 – We Often Ask The Wrong Question About The Canaanites
Was the commanded destruction of the Canaanites just or even right? While this is an understandable question, there is a better question to ask and answer.

Episode 166 – It All Pays Off
You might think that you’ll never be able to sit and answer someone’s questions about Christianity, but you’ll surprise yourself if you invest a little on a regular basis!

Episode 165 – Christian Identity (And Intersectionality)
Many of the major issues in culture today revolve around “identity,” and this is also affecting how we think in the church. We need to have clarity on which identity is primary for the Christian.

Episode 164 – Jesus: Doctrines Aren’t A Grab Bag
The doctrines of Christianity fit together; you can’t change one without changing others. This week we look at examples from the person and work of Jesus.

Episode 163 – When Should We Discriminate?
What is discrimination and is it something Christians should not do? Should the Christian baker just “bake the cake?”

Episode 162 – Why Is God Necessary?
God is the necessary being. Nothing would have begun to exist or continue to exist without him.

Episode 161 – Was there a Split in the Trinity at the Cross?
Was their a break in the Trinity at the Cross? How should we understand Jesus saying, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Episode 160 – What’s New About New Testament Morality?
How new is the New Testament compared to the old, and what is the relationship of its moral teaching?

Episode 159 – Isn’t The Greater Forgiveness When The Debt Isn’t Paid?
Wouldn’t God have been more gracious if no one had to die for sins to be forgiven?

Episode 158 – Euthanasia: How Should We Treat People At The End Of Life?
How should we think Christianly about ending life for those who are terminally ill?

Episode 157 – Believing God Vs. Believing In God
Can someone trust Jesus and not be saved? We look at some categories to make sense of the different ways belief is talked about in scripture.

Episode 156 – The Pope and Roman Catholicism’s Concept of Anonymous Christians
We look at recent statements by the Pope and consider Roman Catholicism’s concept of Anonymous Christians.

Episode 155 – Why Are There Books Missing From My Bible?
Roman Catholics have more books in their Bible than do Protestants. Why is that? Have books been removed?

Episode 154 – The Internal Contradictions of Transgenderism
The transgender movement has several contradictions at its core; here, we look at 3 of them.

Episode 153 – Bad Ways to Argue Against Abortion
As Christians striving to be consistent, we cannot use every possible argument against abortion.

Episode 152 – Do We Only Need The Spirit To Understand Scripture?
Does the Spirit give us everything we need to understand the Bible, or is there more to it?

Episode 151 – Where Does Our Worth Come From?
Self-conception and identity is everything today for some, but Christianity provides a true solid grounding for human worth and dignity.

Episode 150 – Do Moral Obligations Require the Existence of God?
Where does the obligation and duty to do good come from? It only makes sense in a Christian worldview.

Episode 149 – Who Created the Canon?
Is the Bible the result of man’s choices or God’s creation? Who created the canon of Scripture?

Episode 148 – Is a Person’s Problem That They Are Messy and Broken?
Christianity seems to have a new vocabulary: brokenness, messiness, hurt, etc. But how well do these new terms represent biblical ideas, problems, and language?

Episode 147 – What’s the Right View of Rights?
Are there different types of rights and how do we tell them apart?

Episode 146 – The [Not So Soft] Prosperity Gospel
We must be clear on what it does and does not mean for God to be “for us.” The soft prosperity gospel gets this 180 degrees backwards.

Episode 145 – Is there Eyewitness Testimony Outside of the Bible?
Do we only have to reply on what the Bible says, or is there eyewitness testimony about Jesus outside of Scripture?

Episode 144 – Two Bad Reasons for Apologetics (and One Good One)
Sometimes we can slip into an unhealthy pragmaticism with apologeitcs. We must remember that it is primarily for the glory of God!

Episode 143 – How Should We Respond to Doubt?
We will all either have doubts or encounter those who do. So, how should we think about doubt biblically?

Episode 142 – Let’s Care Both More and Less About How We Communicate
We need to be very clear in how we communicate the truths of Christianity, but even when we’re clear they likely will be rejected.

Episode 141 – Two Simple Questions for Better Conversations
Many people have not considered how they know things, or if morality is knowable. We need to be prepared to help them think through that

Episode 140 – The Four Virgin Births of Atheism
Christianity affirms the virgin birth of Jesus, but Atheism has its own “virgin births” as well.

Episode 139 – Christmas Is a Great Time to Talk About Evil
The reason for Christmas is explicitly linked to evil, and evil provides a great segue to Christmas and the gospel!

Episode 138 – Are You Unknowingly Proclaiming a Gospel of Works?
If we just proclaim the gospel with our works, we are actually proclaiming a gospel of works.

Episode 137 – Why is God So Hidden?
If God exists, wouldn’t he reveal himself more? Why is he so hidden?

Episode 136 – If You Want to Survive Trials and Suffering, You Need Good Theology
If you don’t enter trials with good theology, you won’t exit trials with good theology. We need solid convictions before they’re tested.

Episode 135 – Why is there Natural Evil in the World?
Why is there sickness and natural disasters in the world, and how do we understand these in light of Scripture?

Episode 134 – The Reformation: God’s Glory Alone
In this post we look at how salvation and even our lives are designed for the glory of God, alone.

Episode 133 – The Reformation: Christ Alone
The concerns of the Reformation from 500 years ago are still concerns today. The biblical doctrine of salvation in and mediated by Christ alone preclues man’s contribution and Mary’s mediation.

Episode 132 – The Reformation: Grace Alone
The concerns of the Reformation from 500 years ago are still concerns today. The biblical doctrine of salvation by grace alone removes all of man’s boasts and gives all glory to God.

Episode 131 – The Reformation: Faith Alone
The concerns of the Reformation from 500 years ago are still concerns today. We must defend the biblical doctrine of faith alone, where faith itself is a gift from God.

Episode 130 – The Reformation: Scripture Alone
The concerns of the Reformation from 500 years ago are still concerns today. We need to be able to defend the primacy of the authority of Scripture over all other authorities.

Episode 129 – Are Words or Worldview More Important in Media?
We often evaluate entertainment based on the language used, but perhaps we should be more concerned about the worldview that is taught.

Episode 128 – What Are Creeds And Why Do They Matter?
We discuss creeds: what they are and how we should view them.

Episode 127 – Is There Actually a “Biblical” View of an Issue?
Is there a “biblical” view of things, or is everything merely equally-valid opinions?

Episode 126 – The Bankruptcy of the Sexual Ethic of Consent
We examine the sexual ethic of consent to see just how poorly it functions.

Episode 125 – “Christians Are Atheists For All Gods But One”
Atheists will say that, like the atheist, Christians deny the existence of almost all Gods; atheists just deny one more. How should we respond to this?