The Podcast
Unapologetic is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian Seagraves that addresses popular questions about Christianity, equipping you with reasons for the Christian worldview. If you would like me to cover a question, just shoot me a message.

Episode 124 – Does God Hold People Accountable for What They Believe?
Is it true that God cares more about us loving each other than what we beloeve?

Episode 123 – “I Can’t Believe in a God Who Would…”
How should we respond when someone says they “can’t believe in a God who would do a certain thing?”

Episode 122 – There is No Religiously Neutral Position/Person
Can people approach Christianity from a neutral position?

Episode 121 – Does Everyone Have a Conversion Experience?
Some people have powerful and memorable conversion experiences, but should this be true of everyone?

Episode 120 – Is there a Blatant Contradiction in Proverbs?
Should we answer a fool according to his folly, or not? Proverbs seems to say both.

Episode 119 – There’s Often a Heart Behind the Question
Questions often come from a place of personal need, not intellectual curiosity. We need to identify that and be sensitive to it.

Episode 118 – There’s Too Much Information for Evolution to Be True
We look at an argument against evolution based on the answers to the following questions: Does DNA contain information and where does information come from?

Episode 117 – Bakers, Justices, and Religious Liberty
We discuss objections and responses to Christian bakers/florists/photographers not participating in same-sex ceremonies.

Episode 116 – A PSA on the Atonement
What is penal substitutionary atonement and is it biblical?

Episode 115 – Bernie Sanders, Religious Pluralism, and Condemnation
Is it Islamaphobic to say that Muslims stand comdemned before God? Bernie thinks so.

Episode 114 – Why Do People Reject Good Arguments?
Why do people reject good arguments? Sometimes it’s because of their presuppositions and hardness of heart.

Episode 113 – What was Jesus’ View of Scripture?
Surprisingly, many people trust Jesus for salvation, but reject his viewd of the scriptures. Find out what those views are on this episode.

Episode 112 – Bad Ideas Have Casualties
Ideas have consequences and bad ideas have casualties.

Episode 111 – Discussing God with Mormons
We look at some tactics to keep in mind when discussing God and Christianity with Mormons.

Episode 110 – Arguing Against God Is Only Possible Because He Exists
People argue against God in meultiple way that are only possible because he exists.

Episode 109 – Do You Know Any Smugglers?
Some people deny the existence of morality, but then smuggle in moral ideas into the conversion. Learn how to spot this.

Episode 108 – A Conversation on Gender, Love, and the New Book
I discuss the newly released book with my friend and co-author, Hunter Leavine.

Episode 107 – Why are there Verses Missing from My Bible?
How did we get out English Bible and why are there more verses in some than others? Are verses missing?

Episode 106 – How Important Is History in Discussing the Resurrection?
How much should we focus on history vs. theology when presenting and discussing the gospel?

Episode 105 – Does All Faith in Jesus Save?
Does all faith save? And how should we think about the relationship of works to faith?

Episode 104 – Atheism’s Selective Quest for More Answers
Sometimes atheists require Christians to explain all parts of their beliefs when they don’t apply that standard to themselves. This gives us an opportunity for conversation.

Episode 103 – Common Claims that Self-Destruct
We look at five common claims you’re liking to hear that all self-destruct.

Episode 102 – Is the Trinity a Contradiction?
It’s often claimed that the doctrine of the Trinity is self-contradictory, but is it?

Episode 101 – “Stop Being Such A Pharisee”
How should Christians respond when called a “Pharisee?”

Episode 100 – What Happens to Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?
What happens to people with no access to the gospel? Is it just for God to punish them for their sin?

Episode 99 – A Christian Response to Transgenderism
What is transgenderism and how should Christians think about it and respond?

Episode 98 – Is the Church Full of Hypocrites?
We cover four ways to response to the charge that the church is full of hypocties.

Episode 97 – Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Christianity?
Does Artificial Intelligence post a threat to Christianity, and how should we think about the Image of God?

Episode 96 – Thoughts on Islam and Its History
We cover some basics about Islam and also how we should look at Muslims coming here.

Episode 95 – What does “Sufficient” Mean to You?
We need to reclaim the weight and importance of scripture’s sufficiency. It’s everything we need, and it should be everything we want.

Episode 94 – Do Christians Need to Keep the Old Covenant?
What’s a covenant, and do Christians have to keep the Old Covenant?

Episode 93 – What’s a Gospel and Why does it Matter?
The Gospels are unique, and in order to read them well and not create problems where none exist, we need to know what they are!

Episode 92 – Should We Entrust this Year to Mary?
Should we entrust this year to Mary as the Pope has said? And can Mary actually bring us peace?

Episode 91 – How Old is the Earth and does it Matter?
The context of Genesis 1 has great importance in how we interpret it. We look at that context and discuss how importance the age of the earth really is.

Episode 90 – “The Story of Reality”
This week we look at Greg Koukl’s newly released book, “The Story of Reality.” Christianity is the TRUE story of reality.

Episode 89 – Which Virgin Birth Do You Believe In?
There are two virgin births. Which do you believe in? And why is the virgin birth of Jesus actually important?

Episode 88 – Do Your Views Match Reality?
Since people who deny God still live in a world he created, they will live inconsistently with their beliefs. This week, we address how to identify and use these inconsistancies.

Episode 87 – From Copies to the Coffee Table (Part 2)
How trustworthy are our modern translations and the process used to create them?

Episode 86 – From Copies to the Coffee Table (Part 1)
How does the bible go from copies of manuscripts to the Bible on our coffee table?

Episode 85 – Was it God’s Will for Trump to be Elected?
Is everything that happens God’s will, or are there multiple wills in God? How should we think about God’s will in relation to the election?

Episode 84 – Jen Hatmaker, Sola Scriptura, and Homosexuality
How should we weight scripture, prayer, and authority sources in forming our positions on homosexuality and other areas.

Episode 83 – Is the Christian Book Store a Safe Place?
Do we still have to be discerning in the Christian book store, and how should we evaulate books and other non-biblical material?

Episode 82 – Does the Old Testament Teach that the Unborn isn’t as Valuable as a Born Person?
We address the claim that the Old Testament teaches that the unborn isn’t as valuable as a born person, along with several other bad arguments.

Episode 81 – Can You Get Important Beliefs Wrong And Still Be A “Jesus Follower?”
Does being a “Jesus Follower” mean you can believe whatever you want?

Episode 80 – If Evolution Were True, You Couldn’t Know it
There are multiple reasons to reject an evolutionary worldview. But if evolution is true, we actually couldn’t know it for sure.

Episode 79 – “Either a Missionary or an Imposter”
What does it look like to live on mission for Christ?

Episode 78 – If We Only Have Copies, Why Should We Trust The Bible?
Can we trust the bible, even though we only have copies? And how do we go from the copies to the Bible on our nightstands?

Episode 77 – Why Does the Bible Keep Changing?
Bible translations keep changing, but does this mean God’s word keeps changing?

Episode 76 – Walk Through The Door To Have Your Sins Forgiven
Can we walk through a door to have our sins forgiven at the Vatican? And what does the answer to this tell us about what Jesus did on the cross?

Episode 75 – Was The Crucifixion Cosmic Child Abuse?
Was it child abuse for God the Father to send the innocent Son to die for the crimes of guilty people?