The Podcast
Unapologetic is a weekly podcast hosted by Brian Seagraves that addresses popular questions about Christianity, equipping you with reasons for the Christian worldview. If you would like me to cover a question, just shoot me a message.

Episode 74: Evangelize The World As It Is, Not As We Would Like It To Be
We don’t always get to choose the questions that will be asked of us, but we must take the oppertunities when they come.

Episode 73 – Is The Prosperity Gospel Big Enough For Jesus?
If true holiness results in health, wealth, and prosperity, then where do Jesus and Paul fit in that definition?

Episode 72 – Why Should Christians Care About Gender Identity?
There are many reasons for Christians to care about the gender identity issues; we look at three on this episode.

Episode 71 – Are You Praying Against God’s Work In Your Life?
Many times, we pray aganist the very means God wants to use to conform us to the likeness of Jesus.

Episode 70 – One Simple & Powerful Tip For Spotting Poor Thinking
This week we look at one tactic for discovering faulty and inconsistent views on abortion, the Bible, and God.

Episode 69 – Is “Believing in Jesus” Enough?
Is “believeing in Jesus” enough to be saved? Or is there more to it than that?

Episode 68 – Does #BlackLivesMatter Fit Your Worldview?
A lot of the people claiming black lives, all lives, or any lives matter have no foundation for that claim in their worldview. This week, we look at how to discuss this issue.

Episode 67 – Is The Bible Literally True?
How should we answer the question “Is the Bible literally true?”, since both yes and no are neither good answers?

Episode 66 – Does “I Was Born This Way” Make Something Okay?
Does being born with a desire make it morally acceptable? Moreover, what does the Bible say about our natural desires?

Episode 65 – Does God Ordain Evil?
This week, we look at God’s relationship to evil, using the cross as an example.

Episode 64 – Why Was The Orlando Massacre Wrong?
Why Was The Orlando Massacre Wrong? We examine five possible grounding for why it was wrong.

Episode 63 – How Should We Handle Doubt?
We look at how to address doubts if you’re the one having them, or if you’re the one someone confides in about their doubts.

Episode 62 – Inconsistent in Surprising Ways
We look at how to identify and use inconsistencies when in a conversation.

Episode 61 – Should We Use Science and Philosophy to Support the Truthfulness of Christianity?
Should we only use the Bible, or can we use other sources to demonstrate the truthfulness of Christianity?

Episode 60 – Should We Talk With Close-Minded People?
In addition to two practical tactics, we cover how the sovereignty of God should factor into our view of conversations

Episode 59 – Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?
How should we tactically handle the claim that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?” Is the evidenve for Christianity good enough?

Episode 58 – Don’t Get Your Commandments Out Of Order
We need to be careful about the order in which we think about and enact the two greatest commandments.

Episode 57 – Tolerance and Target, Bathrooms and Boycotts
How should Christians think about gendered bathroom use, tolerance, and boycotting? Find out on this week’s episode.

Episode 56 – Design By Chance? Why Beliefs About Evolution Matter.
Why do some Christians care so much about talking about evolution? Is it compatible with biblical Christianity?

Episode 55 – What Is The Gospel?
The gospel: something so simple, so important, and yet so hard for most people to define. What is it exactly? Find out on this week’s Unapologetic.

Episode 54 – Sitting In God’s Lap to Slap Him In The Face
We look at 3 ways people borrow from Christianity in order to argue aganist it.

Episode 53 – Which Gospel Lists The Correct Number Of Women At The Tomb?
How many women were at the tomb of Jesus? Was it one, two, or three? Is it Matthew’s account, Mark’s account, or John’s account?

Episode 52 – Did God Change Between The Old and New Testaments?
Did God change between the Old and the New Testaments? Or perhaps said differently, why was God so angry in the Old Testament and why is he so loving in the New?

Episode 51 – Discussing Jesus with Jehovah’s Witnesses
Don’t duck and cover when there’s a knock on the door! Be prepared, so you can witness to the people who are already coming to you.

Episode 50 – The Most Foundational Of All Faiths
In Hebrews, the first example of faith is the belief that God created the universe. See how this affects many areas of the Christian Life.

Episode 49 – Even As A Christian, I Thought Abortion Should Be Legal
Even as a Christian, I thought abortion should be legal. Find out why I changed my mind.

Episode 48 – Should We Pray To Other People Or “Saints”?
Is praying to other people biblical, or should we just pray to God?

Episode 47 – Are All Religious Views Equally Valid?
How should we respond to the claim that all religions are basically the same?

Episode 46 – Find Out How The Left Is Reusing The Pro-Slavery Arguments of the 1700s
The left is reusing the pro-slavery arguments of the 1700s and 1800s. Find out how on Unapologetic.

Episode 45 – Can You Name This God?
This week on Unapologetic, we’re going to play a rousing game of trivia called “Can You Name That Thing.” Ultimately, you’ll come away prepared to answer an objection against the existence of Jesus.

Episode 44 – How To Use Evil To Argue FOR God
Often, non-Christians will bring up evil as a way to argue against the existence of God. However, evil is actually a great evidence for the existence of God.

Episode 43 – Our Word Choice Matters: Ted Cruz, The Body of Christ, Blood, Lambs, and Being Slain
Christians talk about being “slain in the spirit”, “covered in the blood of the lamb”, and other terms that don’t communicate well. We examine this problem in more detail on this Episode.

Episode 42 – Where Do Dinosaurs Fit In A Biblical Timeline?
How do dinosaurs fit with biblical creation? We tackle that and more!

Episode 41 – Have you Vaccinated Yourself and Your Children?
We vaccinate ourselves and children against physical disease, why not against spiritual disease too? They are far more serious.

Episode 40 – Which Virgin Birth Do You Believe In?
There are two virgin births. Which do you believe in? And why is the virgin birth of Jesus actually important?

Episode 39 – 3 Tips for Better Spiritual Conversations this Christmas Season
Christmas is a great time of year to talk about Christ! Here are some tips for more effective conversations.

Episode 38 – Is the Big Bang Theory Compatible with the Bible?
Does the Big Bang Theory fit in the Bible?

Episode 37 – Does God Change His Mind?
Does God change his mind? How should we harmonize passages that seem to present that he does and does not?

Episode 36 – Is All Sin Equally Bad?
All sin is wrong, but is it all equally wrong? How does our understanding of sin affect how we understand the cross?

Episode 35 – Two Simple Tips to Make Your Conversations More Effective
Do you want to do better in conversations about your convictions? Here are two simple tips that will help.

Episode 34 – Is Baptism Required For Salvation?
Is baptism required for salvation? If not, then why does the New Testament link it so closely with salvation, and if so, then why does the New Testament say salvation is by faith?

Episode 33 – An Interview: How Has Apologetics Affected Your Life?
I talk with AJ Rhodes about how apologetics has strengthened his faith and helped him in conversations.

Episode 32 – Thinking For Two
We need to be able to spot inconsistencies in other people’s worldviews. Here, we examine two examples.

Episode 31 – Can Something Be True for You and Not for Me?
Does “subjective” truth exist? And what does this mean for claiming “Jesus is the only way to heaven?”

Episode 30 – Was the Cross a Failure?
In what way was the cross a failure and should that affect how we share the gospel?

Episode 29 – Are Roman Catholics Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ?”
Agreeing on Jesus and the Trinity isn’t enough. The divide between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism is as wide as the gospel.

Episode 28 – An Important Biblical Technique You Might Not Be Using
Learn one simple way to help understand the Bible better and resolve apparent contradictions.

Episode 27 – Should Abortion Be Legal Since We Don’t Know When the Unborn Becomes A Person?
Should Abortion be legal since there’s disagreement about when “personhood” begins? Do intersex people mean that we shouldn’t oppose transgender surgeries? More generally, should we reason from the uncertain to the certain?

Episode 26 – “Mom, Don’t You Want Me To Be Happy?”
How should Christians view happiness and its place in life?

Episode 25 – The One Thing I Would Never Say If My Child Left Christianity
Find out the one thing you should never say if you child leaves Christianity. We can’t know how we will respond in every situation, but we can know how we should respond.